
1st September 2022

International young talent at the ULRICHSHOF

No less than four trainees were received by ULRICHSHOF junior chef and DEHOGA Bayern training ambassador Nikolaus Brandl. “We are very happy about our new junior staff. As part of a pilot project, we are even allowed to welcome two prospective hotel specialists from Vietnam this year.”

Dat is 25 years old and comes from a small Vietnamese town. Last year he completed a German course. “I am happy about the chance to make a career here. Germans are cheerful and open, which suits me very well.” After his apprenticeship as a hotel manager, Dat wants to study so that he can later support his parents and siblings back home. So does his compatriot Huy. The 22-year-old is already looking forward to finally getting started and gaining his first experience in the restaurant. The young men from Vietnam were placed by DEHOGA Bayern. Julia Dobmeier from the ULRICHSHOF personnel department explains: “We are open to everyone. If you are passionate about a profession and willing to learn, it doesn’t matter how old you are or what language you speak.”

There are currently still places available at the ULRICHSHOF for training to begin in 2023. “I would like to point out to future trainees that with the revision of the training regulations in the gastronomy and hotel industry, the training professions have become even more attractive,” says Nikolaus Brandl. “With the revised training of ‘Hotel Management Assistants’, we now have a training occupation in our portfolio that also teaches important contents for middle management. And the other professions have also greatly improved in quality in terms of digitalisation and sustainability.”

18-year-old Michelle comes from Karlsruhe and moved to Bad Kötzting to join her boyfriend for her training as a hotel management assistant. “I looked at many hotels beforehand, but since sustainability and the family atmosphere are particularly important to me, my decision fell on the ULRICHSHOF.” She is now looking forward to a varied job and to her new colleagues.

Laura from Lam has decided to train as a specialist for restaurants & event catering. “At first I had considered becoming an office clerk and looked into it, but a purely sedentary job is out of the question for me.” The 15-year-old loves to wait tables and enjoys helping out in her parents’ business, so she wanted to combine serving with her future profession. “I then looked at a ‘normal’ hotel, but there it was too bland and quiet for me. Besides, I love children, so I came to the ULRICHSHOF because there is always something going on here. The trial work was incredibly fun and it was immediately clear to me that I wanted to do my training here.”

Two hotel specialists, one hotel management assistant and one restaurant & event catering specialist started their training at the Baby & Kinder Bio-Resort ULRICHSHOF in September.

Above (from left): Quang Huy Vuong, Michelle Backhaus, Tien Dat Nguyen and Laura Vogl

Below (from left): Restaurant manager Diana Stangl, personnel manager Julia Dobmeier, reception manager Theresa Wittmann and junior manager Nikolaus Brandl.

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